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"The Exit is INward"
Rene Fabre
Upcoming events
- Sat, 29 JunGeneral Escobedo CityDiscover the power of medicinal frequency, the sound that heals and the movement that comforts the body. Register to confirm your attendance: Limited availability!
- Sat, 08 JunGeneral Escobedo CityDiscover the power of medicinal frequency, the sound that heals and the movement that comforts the body. Register to confirm your attendance: Limited availability
- Sat, 11 NovGuadeloupeSaturday 11/11 @ 11:11 am the impregnated seed of your beautiful intention will be sown that you will sow during the portal using your own bio-magnetic energy, displacing energy and transmuting densities into divine inspiration, joy and happiness... Register and you will be invited to a private group with your cell #
- Sat, 04 FebCompostela Ostiacalli CabinCamping, Kriya Meditation, Dream Catcher Workshop, Sonotherapy, High Vibration Music, Cacao, Psilocibe, Ganjha, Rapé, Kambó and Bufo Contribution $500 mxn. Minor children free.
- Sat, 12 NovCieneguilla - Km 8. Carr a Cola de CaballoA small Holistic therapeutic healing retreat with accompaniment of Power Plants, Energy Activations, ICE Bath, Integration Dynamics, Bio-Energetic Reading, Ecstatic Dance
- Fri, 22 JulIDHIWhat is a Sono Yoli? It is a sound therapy designed to guide you in a high vibration trance, activating your Alpha brain waves, stimulating your pineal gland, releasing your inner medicine and raising your level of full consciousness (mindfulness), awakening your state of ataraxia.
- Fri, 12 NovEye of Paradise, Santiago, N.LAyahuasca, Kambo, Monkfish, Teonanacatl and cocoa ceremony.
- Sat, 30 OctSantiagoQualification. Click here, open the Event Editor and change the text.
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